
Archive for December, 2011

Hello to all the lovely people out there whom have been following my artwork.
As you know this year has been absolutely terrible for my art. I had a major wrist injury which near cost me my ability to paint.
Unfortunately i have had to stop digital painting due to the pain. I have however moved into Pastel painting using a vertical easel which helps reduce any discomfort.

In the New Year 2012 I intend to head in a new direction and put my primary focus on Pet Portraits. I will still do my Wildlife art but it will be done the traditional way
using Pastel on paper.
The pet portraits will also be done in Pastel on paper and can easily be rolled and placed in the tube to be sent anywhere in the world. The Pet Owner can then take
their Pet Portrait to any framer to have it framed.

The website ‘minerswildlifeart.com’ has now changed to ‘pawtraitartist.com’  but you will still be able to access the new site using the old name for a while. The current
website will remain as is for the next two weeks while the new site is being updated.

Have a great day.

Paul Miners


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